1. Joseph P. Biniek , 1975 . Potential Effects of Application of Air and Water Quality Standards on Agriculture and Rural Development . Subcommittee on Rural Development, Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, United States Senate.
2. J. H. Carpenter, and J. C. Geyer , 1965 . A Research Program for the Potomac River. Report for the Department of Sanitary Engineers, District of Columbia and Bureau of Environmental Hygiene, State of Maryland.
3. Effects of Pesticide Usage on Water Quality
4. Marion Clawson , 1959 . Methods of Measuring the Demand for Value of Outdoor Recreation.In: Resources for the Future, Inc., Washington, D.C., Reprint No. 10, 36 pp.
5. N. H. Crawford, and R. K. Linsley , 1966 . Digital Simulation in Hydrology: Stanford Watershed Model IV. Stanford University Technical Report No. 39.