1. K. F. Alt, and E. O. Heady , 1977 . Economics and the Environment: Impacts of Erosion Restraints on Crop Production in the Iowa River Basin. Iowa State University CARD Report 75, 54 pp.
2. Anthony S. Donigian, and Norman H. Crawford , 1976 . Modeling Nonpoint Pollution From the Land Surface . U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 600/3-76-083, Athens, Georgia, 280 pp.
3. M. H. Frere, C. A. Onstad, and H. N. Holtan , 1975 . ACTMO, An Agricultural Chemical Transport Model . U.S. Department of Agriculture, ARS-H-3, Hyattsville, Maryland, 54 pp.
4. Douglas A. Haith, and Raymond Loehr , 1979 . Role of Soil and Water Conservation Practices in Water Quality Control. Presented at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis and the Czechoslovak Academy of Science Conference on Environmental Management of Agricultural Watersheds in Smolenice, Czechoslovakia.