1. Faculty of Pharmacy, Nutrition and Food Science Area; Universitat de València, Avda. Vicent Andrés Estellés, s/n 46100 Burjassot; València Spain
2. Department of Agricultural Technology, Storage and Transport, Faculty of Agriculture; University of Zagreb; Zagreb Croatia
3. Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology; University of Zagreb; Zagreb Croatia
4. Department of Food Science, Faculty of Science; University of Copenhagen, Rolighedsvej 26; Frederiksberg C 1958 Denmark
5. Sorbonne Universités, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Laboratoire Transformations Intégrées de la Matière Renouvelable (UTC/ESCOM, EA 4297 TIMR), Centre de Recherche de Royallieu, CS 60319, 60203; Compiègne Cedex France