1. Family Systems Theory and Chronic Childhood Illness: Diabetes Mellitus
2. 2World Health Organization . 1988 . The Haemoglobinopathies in Europe (combined report of two WHO meetings). Copenhagen.
3. 3J. Tsiantis, C. Kattamis, S. Aronis, M. A. Theodoridou, M. Meyer, D. Panitz, and D. Anastasopoulos . 1989 . An interdisciplinary approach for the management of the child with AIDS. Paper presented at the International Conference on Children and Death, Athens, Greece, October 30-November 3, 1989.
4. Family reactions and their management in a parents group with beta-thalassaemia.
5. 5J. Tsiantis, 1984 . Mental disturbances and intelligence in children with beta-thalassemia [in Greek] . Thesis . Athens University Medical School. Athens, Greece.