1. K.C. Choi, S.R. Jeon, I.S. Kim, and Y.M. Son , 1990 . Coloured illustrations of the freshwater fishes of Korea . Hyungmun Co., Seoul, 278 pp.
2. M.K. Chung , 1977 . The fishes of Korea . Ilji Co., Seoul, 727 pp.
3. K.W. Lee , 1999 . A revision of the illustrated taxonomic keys to genera and species of mosquito larvae of Korea . Department of Army, 5th Medical Detachment, 168th Medical Battalion, 18th Medical Command, 34 pp.
4. E.F. Legner, and R.A. Medved , 1972 . Predator investigated for the biological control of mosquitoes and midges at the University of Califonia, Riverside . Proc. 40th Ann. Conf. Calif. Mosq. Contr. Assoc, January 31-February 2, 1972, 109 -111 .