1. Environmental Change Institute School of Geography and the Environment University of Oxford Oxford OX1 3QY UK
2. Ecosystem Fluxes Group Laboratory for Atmospheric Chemistry Paul Scherrer Institute Villigen PSI 5232 Switzerland
3. Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco Cusco Peru
4. Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science Lund University SE 223 62 Lund Sweden
5. IIAP Iquitos Peru
6. Remote Sensing Division National Institute for Space Research Av. dos Astronautas, 1.758 São José dos Campos SP 12227‐010 Brazil
7. College of Life and Environmental Sciences University of Exeter Exeter EX4 4QD UK
8. Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications CREAF c/o Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona Edificio C 08290 Cerdanyola Barcelona Spain
9. School of Geosciences University of Edinburgh Edinburgh EH8 9XP UK
10. College of Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre of Tropical Environmental and Sustainabilility Science James Cook University Cairns Qld 4870 Australia
11. ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology Research School of Biology Building 134 The Australian National University Canberra ACT 2601 Australia
12. Department of Biology Wake Forest University Winston‐Salem NC 27109 USA
13. School of Geography University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT UK