1. Symposium: Ethical Conflicts in the Forensic Sciences Introduction
2. 33 According to Zain's replacement, “several prosecutors expressed dissatisfaction with the reports they were receiving from serology and specifically requested that the evidence be analyzed by Zain.” Id. at 513 n.16 (deposition of Ted Smith). “[Serologist] Myers also testified that after he had been unable to find blood on a murder suspect's jacket, it was sent to Texas, where Zain found a bloodstain which tested consistent with the blood of the victim.” Id. at 512. “[Serologist] Bowles also testified that at least twice after Zain left the lab, evidence on which Bowles had been unable to obtain genetic markers was subsequently sent to Texas for testing by Zain, who again was able to identify genetic markers.” Id.
3. 9 42 U.S.C. § 14131(1)(a), (c) (2000). The DNA Advisory Board has expired. Currently, the FBI DNA Quality Assurance Standards govern DNA laboratories that receive federal funding. These standards require periodic external audits to ensure compliance with the required quality assurance standards.
4. 17 528 U.S. 440 (2000).
5. ASTM standards for fire debris analysis: a review