1. 50. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Annual Report 1999, at 28.
2. 7. For general background, see Grossman, J.H. , An Economic History of Health Care in Massachusetts (Pioneer Institute for Public Policy Research White Paper No. 11, June 2000).
3. 118. “[T]he potential investors ultimately advised they were not interested in the surplus notes as proposed. A large group of potential not-for-profit investors responded by conditioning a potential purchase on a full guaranty of the surplus notes by the Commonwealth, and a number of other governmental inducements.” Id. at 11.
4. 18. See infra note 55.
5. 71. See “Nonprofits Rule” chart accompanying article, Bandler, J. , “Massachusetts' HMO Woes Blamed on Nonprofit Glut,” Wall Street Journal, Jan. 12, 2000, at NE1.