1. School of Plant Biology & UWA Oceans Institute; University of Western Australia; 39 Fairway Crawley 6009 WA Australia
2. Seaweed Research Unit; Department of Agriculture; forestry and Fisheries; Pvt Bag X2 Roggebaai 8012 South Africa
3. Department of Biological Sciences and Marine Research Institute; University of Cape Town; Rondebosch 7701 South Africa
4. Leigh Marine Laboratory; Institute of Marine Science; University of Auckland; PO Box 349 Warkworth 0941 New Zealand
5. Sorbonne Universités; UPMC Univ Paris 6, Station Biologique, Place Georges Teissier; Roscoff 29680 France
6. CNRS; Station Biologique; Place Georges Teissier; UMR 7144 Roscoff 29680 France
7. CNRS; FR 2424; Station Biologique; Place Georges Teissier; Roscoff 29680 France
8. Section for Marine Biology; Norwegian Institute for Water Research; Oslo Norway