1. A Theory of Soft Capture
2. Angelides Phil BrooksleyBorn ByronGeorgiou BobGraham Heather H.Murren andJohn W.Thompson.2011."The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report." The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. [Last accessed 16 July 2018.] Available from URL:http://www.fcic.gov/
3. Appelbaum Binyamin andEllenNakashima.2008. "Banking Regulator Played Advocate Over Enforcer."The Washington Post 23 Nov [Last accessed 16 July 2018.] Available from URL:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/22/AR2008112202213.html
4. Tripartism: Regulatory Capture and Empowerment
5. Two Faces of Power