1. R. P. Darken, P. McDowell, and C. Murphy (2005 ). Open source games engines: disruptive technologies in training and education. Paper presented at Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference, 2005, Orlando, Florida.
2. S. de Freitas, and S. Jarvis (2006 ). A framework for developing serious games to meet learner needs. Paper presented at Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference, 2006, Orlando, FL.
3. S. de Freitas, and M. Levene (2004 ). An investigation of the use of simulations and video gaming for supporting exploratory learning and developing higher-order cognitive skills. IADIS International Conference in Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age, 15-17 December. Lisbon, Portugal.
4. Games, Motivation, and Learning: A Research and Practice Model