1. 1. For a discussion of recent trade union activity in this direction see Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy. I.L.O., Geneva, 1973, pp. 65-70.
2. 2. Implications of Multinational Firms for World Trade and Investment and for U.S. Trade and Labour, Report to the Committee on Finance of the United States Senate and its Sub-Committee on International Trade on Investigation No. 332-69, 1973.
3. 3. The Tariff Commission focuses on eight countries but we excluded Brazil due to lack of data.
4. 4. Tariff Commission Report, p. 404, Table 6. These countries accounted for an estimated $18,924m. of world total of $30,915m. U.S. owned foreign net fixed assets in manufacturing industry in 1970.
5. 5. This total possible variation between wages in all firms and M.N.E.s can be classified into estimate errors ($0.10 per employee for both M.N.E.s and all firms) and rounding errors ($0.05 also for both groups of firms).