1. S. K Ackerman . (2002 ). Mapping user interface design to culture dimensions . Paper presented at International Workshop on Internationalization of Products and Systems, Austin TX, USA. Retrieved May 20, 2002, fromhttp://www.iwips2002.org/downloads/AMA_XCult_13Jul02.ppt
2. Business Advertising Appeals as a Mirror of Cultural Dimensions: A Study of Eleven Countries
3. A Content Analysis of Magazine Advertisements from the United States and the Arab World
4. W. Barber, and A Badre . (1998 ). Culturability: The merging of culture and usability . Paper presented at 4th Conference on Human Factors & the Web, Baskin Ridge NJ, USA. Retrieved April 30, 2000, fromhttp://www.research.att.com/conf/hfweb/proceedings/barber/
5. Hofstede never studied culture