Development of highly efficient technology of grain moisture-heat treatment and the design of conditioner steamer


Afanasiev V. A.1,Ostrikov A. N.1,Manuilov V. V.1,Aleksandrov A. I.1


1. Voronezh state university of engineering technologies


As a result of the conducted experimental studies, the main kinetic regularities of the steaming process under investigation were determined and the choice of rational modes of grain moisture-heat treatment was validated: steaming of barley and wheat with steam to a moisture content of 19 % at a steam consumption of 100–180 kg/h and a pressure of 0.20–0.35 MPa for 10–12 minutes, and corn – for 15–16 minutes. These developed modes provide the best conditions for the thermomechanical destruction of the protein-carbohydrate complex in order to increase its availability to digestive enzymes and increase the digestibility of starch, do not reduce the digestibility of protein and improve sanitary condition. A method of engineering calculation was developed, which formed the basis for the creation of an original design of conditioner steamer. The performed constructive calculation included the calculation of the mixer-humidifier, the calculation of the jet nozzle and the determination of the dispersed characteristics during steam atomization, as well as the thermal calculation of the conditioner steamer, which made it possible to determine the steam consumption and determine the rational heating temperature of the grains and their moisture content. A distinctive feature of the conditioner steamer is a higher productivity due to the significant acceleration of diffusion process of moisture into grains; the possibility of improving the quality by increasing the degree of starch gelatinization due to selected technological steaming modes.


FSBEI HE Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences

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