TOEMMAR (TOEFL Grammar) Product for University Students


Iin Baroroh Ma'arif ,Brenda Aprillia Maharani ,Fida Nurjanah Nahak


Research Development of TOEMMAR (TOEFL Grammar) Product for University Students is aimed to 1) design a product which focuses on Grammar (Structure and Written Expression section) and 2) ease the students in learning Grammar in TOEFL. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D) using Borg and Gall model that consists of ten procedures, they are: 1) Research and Information Collecting, 2) Planning, 3) Develop Preliminary Form of Product, 4) Preliminary Field Testing, 5) Main Product Revision, 6) Main Field Testing, 7) Operational Product Revision, 8) Operational Field Testing, 9) Final Product Revision, and 10) Dissemination and Implementation. From the processes conducted, the researcher got the results of the research. 1) The result of material validation is 95,29% in “very good” category. 2) The result of media validation is 84,61% in “very good” category. 3) The result of preliminary field testing that was tested to 7 students got 84,2% in “very good” category, and  the result of main field testing that was tested to 14 students got 83.69% in “very good” category. Based on the results, the researcher concluded that TOEMMAR product is deserved to be used for university students as a TOEFL learning media


UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri

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