Stable isotope tracing of fertilizer sulphur uptake by lodgepole pine: foliar responses


Sanborn P. T.123,Brockley R. P.123,Mayer B.123


1. Ecosystem Science and Management Program, University of Northern British Columbia, 3333 University Way, Prince George, BC V2N 4Z9, Canada.

2. British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Range, Kalamalka Forestry Centre, 3401 Reservoir Road, Vernon, BC V1B 2C7, Canada.

3. Department of Geoscience, University of Calgary, 2500 University Dr. NW, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada.


A plot-scale fertilizer sulphur (S) stable isotope tracer study was established in 2001 in the Sub-Boreal Spruce biogeoclimatic zone in central interior British Columbia where S deficiencies are common in lodgepole pine ( Pinus contorta var. latifolia Engelm. ex S. Wats.) stands. Treatments used operationally realistic applications of 300 kg N·ha–1 as urea and 100 kg S·ha–1 as either sulphate (SO4) or elemental S (S0). δ34S values of fertilizer S differed by >9‰ from pretreatment δ34S values of total S in foliage at the two study sites (5.2‰ and 8.2‰). These differences enabled quantification of fertilizer uptake using isotopic analysis of post-treatment foliar S. Addition of K2SO4 with δ34S of +17.5‰ increased foliar δ34S by 3.5‰ and 6.6‰ at the two sites, respectively, in the year after treatment, indicating fertilizer contributions >40% to foliar total S. For a S0 fertilizer application with a δ34S value of +19.3‰, foliar δ34S increases were smaller but steadily increased, resulting in an average tracer S uptake of ~20% over three years. These results confirmed the more rapid availability of S from SO4-based fertilizers and demonstrated the feasibility of field tracer experiments using stable S isotopes at natural abundance levels.


Canadian Science Publishing


Ecology,Forestry,Global and Planetary Change

Reference25 articles.

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