Refining 2 km of Ordovician chronostratigraphy beneath Anticosti Island utilizing integrated chemostratigraphy


McLaughlin Patrick I.1,Emsbo Poul2,Desrochers André3,Bancroft Alyssa4,Brett Carlton E.5,Riva John F.6,Premo Wayne2,Neymark Leonid2,Achab Aicha6,Asselin Esther7,Emmons M. Matthew2


1. Indiana Geological Survey, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA.

2. US Geological Survey, Denver, CO, USA.

3. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

4. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA.

5. Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA.

6. INRS Centre Eau, Terre, Environnement, 490, rue de la Couronne, Québec, QC G1K 9A9, Canada.

7. Natural Resources Canada, 490, rue de la Couronne, Québec, QC G1K 9A9, Canada.


New high-resolution chemostratigraphy, in combination with updated biostratigraphy, refines the chronostratigraphic resolution of the nearly 2 km thick Ordovician section below Anticosti Island. A total of 1414 horizons, spaced at 1.0–1.5 m intervals, were sampled from the New Associated Consolidated Paper (NACP) drill core and analyzed for major and trace elemental composition by portable X-ray fluorescence analyzer (pXRF). Select micrite and calcareous shale powders were then analyzed for δ13Ccarb (number of samples, N = 364) and 87Sr/86Sr (N = 25). Our results indicate a Floian to early Darriwilian (F3–Dw1) age for the Romaine Formation, a middle Darriwilian to Sandbian (Dw2–Sa1) age for the Mingan Formation, a lower to mid-Katian (Ka1–Ka2) age for the Macasty Formation, an upper Katian (Ka3) age for the lower Vauréal Formation, an uppermost Katian (Ka4) age for the upper Vauréal, and a Hirnantian (H1) age for the Ellis Bay Formation. This integrated chemostratigraphic and biostratigraphic synthesis establishes the position of numerous unconformities, the duration of the intervening depositional sequences, and rates of sedimentation.


Canadian Science Publishing


General Earth and Planetary Sciences

Reference51 articles.

1. Les chitinozoaires de la zone à Dicellograptus complanatus Formation de Vauréal, Ordovicien supérieur, Ile d'Anticosti, Québec

2. Les chitinozoaires de la zone à Climacograptus prominens elongatus de la Formation de Vauréal (Ordovicien supérieur), Ile d'Anticosti, Québec

3. Sur quelques chitinozoaires de la formation de vauréal et de la formation de macasty (Ordovicien supérieur), ile d'anticosti, Québec, Canada

4. Achab, A. 1981. Biostratigraphie par les Chitinozoaires de l’Ordovicien Supérieur–Silurien Inférieur de l’Ile d’Anticosti. Résultats préliminaires, In Subcommission on Silurian Stratigraphy, Ordovician–Silurian Boundary Working Group Field Meeting, Anticosti-Gaspé 1981: Volume II: Montréal, Stratigraphy and Paleontology. Edited by P.J. Lespérance. Université de Montréal, pp. 143–157.







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