Neodymium–strontium–lead isotopic study of Vancouver Island igneous rocks


Andrew A.,Armstrong R. L.,Runkle D.


Combined neodymium, strontium, and lead isotope measurements show that Vancouver Island is made up of Phanerozoic crustal material accreted to North America in the Mesozoic and early Cenozoic, but that there are differences in the relative proportions of depleted mantle and aged, enriched crustal components in the Phanerozoic magmatic episodes that contribute to this new crust.The Devonian Sicker Group volcanic arc has an isotopic signature that can be explained by mixing mantle material with subducted continentally derived sediments. The Early to Middle Jurassic Bonanza Volcanics and Island Intrusions magmatic arc isotopic signature indicates mixing of magma from a depleted mantle source with crustal material of Sicker arc-type, rather than of continental origin. This is consistent with large-scale assimilation of Sicker Group and Karmutsen rocks by Jurassic mantle-derived magmas, or introduction of arc-derived sediments into the Jurassic mantle by subduction. Eocene calc-alkaline Flores Volcanics – Catface Intrusions may be derived from reworked Vancouver Island crust with little addition of mantle material.Late Triassic Karmutsen Formation flood basalts are similar to the lower parts of the Columbia River Basalt in all three isotope systems and in petrochemistry. Radiogenic isotopic data are consistent with the interpretation that the Karmutsen basalts were extruded in a post-arc or back-arc setting, with mantle lithosphere and depleted mantle components, and perhaps some plume source input and crustal contamination, but the latter are not provable from the radiogenic isotopic data alone.Early Eocene Metchosin basalts show a depleted mantle source, consistent with their origin as ocean islands, before Middle to Late Eocene accretion to the rest of Vancouver Island.


Canadian Science Publishing


General Earth and Planetary Sciences







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