Évolution de la structure diamétrale et production ligneuse des pessières noires issues de coupe et de feu


Lussier Jean-Martin,Morin Hubert,Gagnon Réjean


The widespread use of careful logging in the province of Quebec raises many questions about the effects of this practice on the structure and productivity of boreal black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP) stands compared with fire-origin stands that are currently being harvested. The objective of this study is to describe and compare the evolution pattern of the diameter structure of stands originating from fire or logging dating back to the first half of the 20th century. The dendrochronological approach allowed the reconstitution of the dynamics of 40- to 96-year-old stands. Second-growth stands differ from fire-origin stands by their highly hierarchized initial structure. After the recruitment period, the degree of hierarchy of the structure of second-growth and fire-origin stands is comparable. After logging, the diameter structure of black spruce stands keeps a higher skewness index than that of stands originating from fire. For both stand types the skewness decreases or remains constant with time, which invalidates the model proposed by Mohler et al. (C.L. Mohler, P.L. Marks, and D.G. Sprugel. 1978. J. Ecol. 66: 599–614). This observation questions the existence of a strong asymmetric competition among trees in black spruce stands. Results indicate that the yield of black spruce stands originating from clearcuts from the early 20th century is higher than or equal to fire-origin stands mainly because (i) basal area was maintained to levels higher than or equal to fire-origin stands and (ii) most advanced growth was taller that 1 m at the time of logging.


Canadian Science Publishing


Ecology,Forestry,Global and Planetary Change








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