1. Basova V.M., Vericheva O.N. Social'nye tehnologii v rabote s molodezh'ju: sushhnost' i klassifikacija [Social technologies in work with youth: essence and classification]. Vestnik Kostromskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. N.A. Nekrasova [Bulletin of the Kostroma State University named after N.А. Nekrasov], 2012, vol. 18, pp. 167-171. (In Russ.)
2. Bataeva N.S., Bojcova S.V. Realizacija modeli rannego soprovozhdenija detej s narushenijami razvitija i ih roditelej v Kostromskoj oblasti [Implementation of the model of early support for children with developmental disorders and their parents in the Kostroma region]. Zhiznennye traektorii lichnosti v sovremennom mire: social'nyj i individual'nyj kontekst: sb. st. I Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. [Life trajectories of personality in the modern world: social and individual context: collection of articles of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference], comp. T.E. Korovkina, ed. by T.N. Adeeva, S.A. Hazova. Kostroma, 2021, pp. 345-348. (In Russ.)
3. Vericheva O.N. Tehnologicheskij podhod k social'noj rabote s grazhdanami, nuzhdajushhimisja v palliativnoj pomoshhi [Technological approach to social work with citizens in need of palliative care]. Otechestvennyj zhurnal social'noj raboty [Domestic Journal of Social Work], 2022, vol. 3 (90), pp. 101-108. (In Russ.)
4. Vericheva O.N., Mamontova N.I. Social'no-pedagogicheskoe soprovozhdenie studentov s OVZ i invalidnost'ju v uslovijah opornogo vuza [Social and pedagogical support for students with disabilities and disabilities in the conditions of a flagship university]. Strategii social'nogo partnerstva v sferah obrazovanija, zanjatosti i trudoustrojstva molodezhi s ogranichennymi vozmozhnostjami zdorov'ja i invalidnost'ju: materialy mezhregional. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem (Kostroma, 5 ijunja 2019 g.) [Strategies for social partnership in the fields of education, employment and employment of youth with disabilities and disabilities: materials of the interregional scientific and practical conference with international participation (Kostroma, June 5, 2019)], comp. N.I. Mamontova; ed. by O.N. Vericheva. Kostroma, Kostromskoj gos. un-t, 2020, pp. 113-122. (In Russ.)
5. Vericheva O.N., Mamontova N.I. Tehnologii social'noj raboty s grazhdanami pozhilogo vozrasta i invalidami, nahodjashhimisja v trudnoj zhiznennoj situacii [Technologies of social work with elderly citizens and disabled people in difficult life situations]. Tehnologii social'noj raboty s pozhilymi i invalidami: materialy III Mezhregional. nauch.-praktich. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem (Kostroma, 16-18 oktjabrja 2021 g.) [Technologies of social work with the elderly and disabled: materials of the III Interregional scientific and practical conference with international participation (Kostroma, October 16-18, 2021)], comp. N.I. Mamontova