Sociocultural activity as an integrative technology of active socialization of students with special needs in the conditions of higher educational institution


,Vericheva O.N.ORCID,Vericheva Ya.I.ORCID,


The article defines the essence of sociocultural activities of students with special needs, implemented in the educational space of the higher educational institution in the form of student associations. The stages of the practical implementation of the technology of sociocultural activity through the processes of re-socialization, the formation of value-semantic orientations and proactive life attitude with the preservation of the principles of health conservation and humanization of higher education in the Russian Federation, which are important components of effective functioning of students with disabilities in the field of sociopolitical relations and professional activity, are highlighted. The legal status of students with special needs, the conditions for obtaining higher education, the goals and objectives of the application of sociocultural technologies and social work practices in relation to this vulnerable social group are determined. The specificity of social education in the context of an inclusive educational process implemented in the activities of a student association is revealed, which determines the tasks of socio-pedagogical and psychological and pedagogical support for young people with disabilities. The article presents the methodological substantiation of the applicability of the technology of sociocultural rehabilitation in the context of the educational process at the higher educational institution as an artistic and creative technology aimed at self-actualization of the individuality of students with special needs, the formation of professional identity and readiness for professional activity in the chosen field of knowledge and practice. The effectiveness of the practical application of this technology in the conditions of the inclusive professionally oriented student association "Abilimpics" of the Department of Social Work, Kostroma State University, is proved. According to the results of the empirical study, it was proved that the regional championship of professional skills "Abilimpics" helps a student with special needs to replenish and restore social competencies and makes the process of choosing their own professional and ego identity within an inclusive educational space more focused and defined: specialist-professional mentor and assistant-participant-student.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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