1. 1. Artpedagogika i artterapiia v spetsialnom i inkliuzivnom obrazovanii [Art pedagogy and art therapy in special and inclusive education]: a textbook for secondary vocational education/ed. E.A. Medvedeva. 2nd ed., revised and additional - M.: IuraitPublishing House, 2022. - 274 p. (In Russ.)
2. 2. Art-terapiia - novye gorizonty [Art therapy - new horizons]/ed. A.I. Kopytin. - M.: Cogito-Center, 2022. - 123 p. (In Russ.)
3. 3. Basov N.F., Vericheva O.N. Obshchie i chastnye tekhnologii sotsialnoi raboty s molodezhiu [General and private technologies of social work with youth] // Otechestvennyi zhurnal sotsialnoi raboty [Domestic Journal of Social Work]. 2021. No. 1 (84). P. 165-178. (In Russ.)
4. 4. Bessonova O.N. Organizatsiia zhiznedeiatelnosti detskikh obiedinenii v uchrezhdeniiakh sotsialnogo obsluzhivaniia naseleniia [Organization of life activities of children»s associations in social service institutions]: abstract of thesis for the degree of PhD Candidate in Pedagogy. - Kostroma: Kostroma State University named after N.A. Nekrasov, 2002. - 22 p. (In Russ.)
5. 5. Betenski M. Chto ty vidish? Novye metody v art-terapii [What do you see? New methods in art therapy]. - M.: EKSMO-Press, 2020. - 250 p. (In Russ.)