1. 1. E.Extern, 1995 . ExternE: externalities of Energy. Published by European Commission, Directorate-General XII, Science Research and Development . Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, L-2920Luxembourg.
2. 2. E.Extern, 1998 . ExternE: externalities of Energy. Vol. 7: Methodology 1998 Update (EUR 19083); Vol.8: Global Warming (EUR 18836); Vol.9: Fuel Cycles for Emerging and End-Use Technologies, Transport and Waste (EUR 18887); Vol.10: National Implementation (EUR 18528). Published by European Commission, Directorate-General XII, Science Research and Development . Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, L-2920Luxembourg. Results are also available athttp://ExternE.jrc.es/publica.html.
3. 3. E.Extern, 2004 . New results of ExternE, after the NewExt project . Available athttp://www.externe.info
4. 4. ORNL/RFF, and Lee Russell . 1994 . External Costs and Benefits of Fuel Cycles. Prepared by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Resources for the Future . , Ed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831.
5. 5. R.D.Rowe, C.M.Lang, and L.G.Chestnut. 1995 . The New York Electricity Externality Study . Oceana Publications. Dobbs Ferry. NY.