1. L. K. KIRCHMAYER, Economie Operation of Power Systems, p. 40, Wiley Interscience, New York (1958).
2. B. E. PRINCE and J. C. TURNAGE, “Use of Incremental Energy Costs and Loading Order Rules in the ORSIM Procedure for Midrange Optimization of Electric Utility Operations,” ORNL-TM-4507, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1975).
3. J. C. TURNAGE, B. E. PRINCE, D. S. JOY, and L. L. BENNETT, “The Oak Ridge System Integration Model (ORSIM) for Optimization of Utility Generation Planning,” ORNL-TM-4506, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1975).
4. Optimum Fuel Loading and Operation Planning for Light Water Reactor Power Stations. Part I: Pressurized Water Reactor Case Study
5. Optimum Fuel Loading and Operation Planning for Light Water Reactor Power Stations. Part III: Incremental Cost Study