A Device for Nondestructive Experimental Determination of the Power Distribution in a Nuclear Fuel Assembly


Jansson P.1,Svärd S. Jacobsson1,Håkansson A.1,Bäcklin A.1


1. Uppsala University, Department of Radiation Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden


Informa UK Limited


Nuclear Energy and Engineering

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1. Multi-parameter optimization of gamma emission tomography instruments for irradiated nuclear fuel examination;Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment;2023-12

2. In-air and in-water performance comparison of Passive Gamma Emission Tomography with activated Co-60 rods;Scientific Reports;2023-09-27

3. First Experimental Demonstration of the Use of a Novel Planar Segmented HPGe Detector for Gamma Emission Tomography of Mockup Fuel Rods;Nuclear Technology;2023-08-28

4. Experimental evaluation of the performance of a novel planar segmented HPGe detector for use in gamma emission tomography;Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment;2023-04

5. Assessment of Modeling Collimator Designs for Gamma-Ray Transmission of Uranium Oxide Spectrometry Using HPGe Detectors;World Journal of Engineering and Technology;2023








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