In-air and in-water performance comparison of Passive Gamma Emission Tomography with activated Co-60 rods


Virta Riina,Bubba Tatiana A.,Moring Mikael,Siltanen Samuli,Honkamaa Tapani,Dendooven Peter


AbstractA first-of-a-kind geological repository for spent nuclear fuel is being built in Finland and will soon start operations. To make sure all nuclear material stays in peaceful use, the fuel is measured with two complementary non-destructive methods to verify the integrity and the fissile content of the fuel prior to disposal. For pin-wise identification of active fuel material, a Passive Gamma Emission Tomography (PGET) device is used. Gamma radiation emitted by the fuel is assayed from 360 angles around the assembly with highly collimated CdZnTe detectors, and a 2D cross-sectional image is reconstructed from the data. At the encapsulation plant in Finland, there will be the possibility to measure in air. Since the performance of the method has only been studied in water, measurements with mock-up fuel were conducted at the Atominstitut in Vienna, Austria. Four different arrangements of activated Co-60 rods, steel rods and empty positions were investigated both in air and in water to confirm the functionality of the method. The measurement medium was not observed to affect the ability of the method to distinguish modified rod positions from filled rod positions. More extended conclusions about the method performance with real spent nuclear fuel cannot be drawn from the mock-up studies, since the gamma energies, activities, material attenuations and assembly dimensions are different, but full-scale measurements with spent nuclear fuel are planned for 2023.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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