This paper discusses an optimum approach to design and execution of a robust chemical enhanced oil recovery (EOR) surveillance program considering the physics and uncertainties involved during the implementation of a chemical EOR (CEOR) application at reservoir scale. The surveillance includes techniques, measuring points, and frequency of data acquisition.
Based on field experience, a robust surveillance plan plays a key role in ensuring high performance of a CEOR application during implementation and execution at reservoir conditions. A proper surveillance program should focus on acquiring information associated with the main uncertainties related to fluid-fluid and rock-fluid interactions, the impact of reservoir heterogeneities at reservoir scale, fluid dynamics, and the composition and stability of the chemical formulation. The acquired information should be given to the CEOR modeling team to follow up, interpret, and adjust the CEOR process and reservoir model. Also, the information should be given to the reservoir operation team to tune up the CEOR injection and production process to help optimize performance.
Typically, specialized literature focuses on describing CEOR formulation design and evaluation; laboratory requirements, experimental settings, and analysis results; field application design and implementation; and overall results of field applications. This work emphasizes CEOR process surveillance, its importance, and impact with respect to oilfield scale applications.
There are multiple uncertainties regarding the physical parameters and phenomena that control the performance of the CEOR at reservoir scale (e.g., are uncertainties associated with fluid saturation and properties, rock-fluid interactions, reservoir heterogeneities, and alkali-surfactant-polymer (ASP) formulation behavior at reservoir conditions). A proper surveillance design and implementation help mitigate the impact of the mentioned uncertainties.
Therefore, surveillance is paramount for the success of a CEOR application. The design and execution of a robust surveillance program should consider the main uncertainties associated with the CEOR formulation operating window, fluid-fluid and rock-fluid interactions, reservoir heterogeneities, reservoir conditions, injection-production environment, and various time scales for the timely use of the acquired information and the interpretation feedback to the CEOR modeling and operation teams.
This work discusses the physics and uncertainties considered during the design and execution of an optimized surveillance program. A systematic approach is provided considering fluid-fluid and rock-fluid interactions, reservoir heterogeneities, CEOR formulation operating window, injection – production environment, and time scales to feedback the acquired and interpreted information during the surveillance program execution.
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