1. Hess Corporation
2. Chemical Tracers, Inc.
Remaining oil saturation (ROS) and waterflood residual oil saturation (Sorw) are key parameters for reservoir modeling and waterflood management in a group of heterogeneous deepwater turbidite reservoirs. A large amount of laboratory special core analysis (SCAL) data indicated high Sorw values and a large target potential target for chemical EOR (enhanced oil recovery). Available SCAL data was not considered reliable. Acquiring additional core was considered to be too costly and too risky due to the highly deviated well paths required for new wells. Single Well Chemical Tracer Tests (SWCTT's) in producing wells were the only viable alternative. This paper describes – to our knowledge – the first applications of SWCTT in a deepwater setting.
An early 2010 SWCTT showed ROS / Sorw to be much lower than expected but test interpretation was uncertain. The 1st SWCTT provided a valuable learning experience to improve test design and execution and to improve on significant logistical challenges in the deepwater setting. Using lessons learned we performed two additional SWCTT's in late 2010. The later SWCTT's included well integrity pre-tests and smaller completion intervals. Typical SWCTT volumes were ~5,000 bbl of seawater containing tracers with a depth of investigation of ~4 to 5 meters.
All three SWCTT's indicated low Sorw values, ranging from 0.05 to 0.20 with a nominal average of 0.15. Similar results from all three SWCTT's indicate that microscopic displacement efficiency is very good; eliminating the option of chemical EOR. The current field development plan is focused on improving volumetric sweep efficiency.
Properly designed and executed SWCTT's can be considered as large-scale "laboratory waterflood tests" at true reservoir conditions (e.g., live oil, wettability and stress history). Compared to conventional SCAL tests using small plug samples, SWCTT's see a much larger rock volume and avoid wettability alteration issues that plague modern cores taken with OBM (oil based mud). Though logistically challenging in deepwater, SWCTT's can be more cost- and time-effective than taking a new core.
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