1. United Energy Pakistan, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
This work highlights the successful application of Gas Wells Deliquification techniques in UEP wells for improving recoveries and optimizing production from wells. Liquid loading is one the major challenge that gas well possess at the end of its life cycle. Gas well load-up is a major production challenge that can result in loss of recovery if not addressed cautiously. Most of the production comes from gas wells that are depleted and subject to liquid loading that leads to pre-mature wells load-up when the gas velocity in the tubing/casing is less than critical velocity.
In the continuous effort of production optimization and abandonment pressure reduction for improving recoveries, Gas Wells Deliquification as a project was introduced which included short term and long-term approach of mitigating liquid loading along with competency development. An integrated multi-disciplinary approach was taken to identify candidate wells and phased wise approach of implementing new technologies of soap sticks deployment, plunger lift and coiled tubing gas lift installation. Technology availability is considered as one of the main challenges in the application of these techniques.
The results are very positive in bringing back the production from load-up and shut-in wells. Some of the wells have revived back on production and added ~5-8 BCF reserves. During initial assessment of 300+ wells, ~50 wells are potential deliq candidates that can add potentially ~15-17 BCF of reserves with NPV of 7-10 MM$ in next 2-3 years.
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