1. Adams, K. E. and Cassner, M. Marketing library resources and services to distance faculty. The Ninth Off-Campus Library Services Conference Proceedings: Portland, Oregon. Edited by: Thomas, P. S. pp.1–12. Mount Pleasant, MI: Central Michigan University.
2. Craig, M. H. and DuFord, S. Off-campus faculty perception of the value of library user education. The Seventh Off-Campus Library Services Conference Proceedings: San Diego, California. Edited by: Jacob, C. J. pp.69–73. Mount Pleasant, MI: Central Michigan University.
3. Using Needs Assessment to Determine Library Services for Distance Learning Programs
4. Lebowitz, G. Faculty perceptions of off-campus student library needs. The Sixth Off-Campus Library Conference Proceedings: Kansas City, Missouri. Edited by: Jacob, C. J. pp.143–154. Mount Pleasant, MI: Central Michigan University.