1. 2003. Evidence-Based Nursing: Needs, Tools. Solutions-Proceedings of the Symposium at the Medical Library Association (MLA) Annual Meeting. May2003. Available:http://nahrs.library.kent.edu/resource/symposium/index.htmlincluding many of the PowerPoint slides Accessed December 22, 2004. The symposium was audio taped and included in the MLA 2003 Annual Meeting CD
2. Poster presentation on Continuing Education as a Catalyst for Interprofessional Collaboration at the 2004 MLA Annual Meeting-Web version and handout. Available:http://nahrs.library.kent.edu/archives/annmtg/2004mtg/poster.htmlAccessed: December 22, 2004
3. Interagency Council on Information Resources for Nursing. Available:http://icirn.org/Accessed: December 22, 2004
4. Nursing and Allied Health Resources, Medical Library Association. Available:http://nahrs.library.kent.edu/Accessed: December 22, 2004