
Tkachenko P.I.,Loban G.A.,Bilokon S.O.,Popelo Y.V.,Lokhmatova N.M.,Dolenko O.B.,Korotych N.M.


In the structure of chronic nosological forms of sialoadenitis, chronic parenchymal mumps accounts for 80%, and is characterized by a recurrent course. To date, the issue of its etiologic origin remains controversial, and data on the pathogenetic influence of external and internal factors on the occurrence of another exacerbation are constantly being supplemented. In particular, the role of the duktogenic pathway of microbial penetration into the glandular duct system is often discussed. Objective: to study the microbiota of parotid secretion in children with exacerbation of chronic parenchymal mumps. Materials and methods. To investigate the qualitative characteristics and quantitative parameters of microbial flora in the secretion of the parotid salivary glands during disease exacerbation, we enrolled 41 children aged 3 to 15 years, with 18 cases classified as having an active course and 23 as inactive. The study was conducted following the guidelines outlined by CLSI, EUCAST, and relevant State Regulatory Orders and Supplements. Results. It was found that at the time of the exacerbation in the active course, plasma-coagulating staphylococci and hemolytic streptococci strains in the amount of 106-107 CFU/ml prevailed in the glandular secretion, which were mainly sensitive to beta-lactam antibiotics of all generations, macroliths, natural and semi-synthetic aminoglycosides. An association of microorganisms was isolated from the secretion of 4 glands (11.1%), consisting of coccal cultures, gram-negative bacilli, and yeast cells. In the inactive course, Staphylococcus aureus and hemolytic streptococci slightly prevailed in the glandular secretion, but the proportion of non-pathogenic coccal microorganisms increased, and their number was 105-106 CFU/ml. Their antibiotic patterns did not differ significantly from those in the active course. The isolation of microbial associations concerned 8 glands, which amounted to 17.5%. Conclusion. Taking into account the presence of microorganisms in the secretion from the parotid glands in the acute exacerbation of chronic parenchymal mumps with pathogenicity factors and an increase in their number depending on the activity of the disease, it is necessary to take a differentiated approach to rational antibiotic therapy by instillation of antimicrobial drugs into the ductal system.


Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy

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