1. Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
2. Fish Industry Institute
In this study, we presented a panel of 14 microsatellite loci (MFW1, MFW2, MFW6, MFW9, MFW10, MFW11, MFW13, MFW16, MFW20, MFW24, MFW26, MFW28, MFW29 and Cid0909), with which we studied the genetic structure of Cyprinus carpio carpio of the breed “Izobelinsky” in the Republic of Belarus. Four offshoots of carp were included in the study: two mirrory (“Smes’ zerkal’naya”, “Tri prim”) and two scaly (“Smes’ cheshujchataya”, “Stolin XVIII”).As a result, it was found that the carp breed “Izobelinsky” exhibits a high level of in-breed genetic variability. In the studied microsatellite loci, 231 alleles were identified, 62 % of the total number of alleles were rare alleles with a frequency of occurrence of less than 5.0 %. The number of effective alleles (Ne) at the loci ranged from 3.082 (MFW10) to 9.754 (MFW26). The Shannon biodiversity index (I) was 2.082 ± 0.075. The highest value of the expected heterozygosity index (He) was noted for the MFW26 locus (0.897), the lowest – for the MFW10 locus (0.676).The greatest genetic diversity is characteristic of the scaly carp “Smes’ cheshujchataya” and “Stolin XVIII”. The highest total percentage of rare alleles was determined for fishes from “Stolin XVIII”. The minimum values of this parameter were found for specimens of the carp “Smes’ zerkal’naya” and “Tri prim”.The results of this study indicate a fairly high genetic diversity of four offshoots of the carp breed “Izobelinsky”, which was established using the marker loci optimally selected for analysis. This makes it possible to differentiate the layering among themselves.
Publishing House Belorusskaya Nauka
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3 articles.