Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between household conflict and parental attitude during the quarantine period.
Material and Method: This study cross-sectional, and web-based was conducted. A maternity and child hospital located in southeast in Turkey between 24 May and 30 June 2021, particularly after the 3-week full-lockdown. Power analysis was used to determine the sample size, and accordingly, the study was completed with a total of 246 parents with children aged 2-6. In the study, a questionnaire regarding socio-demographic data and Household Conflict, which is a subscale of the COVID-19 Household Environment Scale, and Parent Attitude Scale was used.
Results: It was shown that the parents participating in the study were highly democratic and overprotective, moderately authoritarian and permissive. It was determined that conflicts for the family increased during the pandemic process, and that conflict decreased when the parents displayed a democratic attitude. It was established that intra-familial conflict increased when parents exhibited authoritarian, overprotective and permissive attitudes, and in addition, it was found that intra-familial conflict increased when the number of children increased.
Conclusion and Recommendations: Consequently, it was found that intra-family conflict affected parental attitude. Support strategies can be created for families at risk. Nurses identify families in this environment and provide necessary care, training, and consultation service.
Halk Sagligi Hemsireligi Dernegi
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