Sahni Subal,Abhyankar Abhijit,Aggarwal Ankur,Bamiedakis Nikos,Bekker Zoltan,Benromdhane Mohamed,Bergstein Nadav,Bos Ties,Davies Christopher,Gimlett Andrew,Han Xiaoping,Lee Kelin,Mahadevaiah Kavya,Ozguc Hakki,Park Kevin,Plunkett Jeremy,Ramachandra Sujit,Redgrave Jason,Singh Ajmer,Staffaroni Matteo,Totovic Angelina,Vats Saurabh,Winterbottom Phil,Woodhouse Darren,Younis Waleed,Yu Shifeng,Lazovsky David
We present a photonics platform targeting optical connectivity at the point of compute in high-power ASICs. The platform uses bias-controlled electro-absorption modulators and is differentiated by broad temperature stability coupled with high bandwidth density.