Quantum teleportation is a key primitive across a number of quantum information tasks and represents a fundamental ingredient for many quantum technologies. Channel capacity, other than the fidelity, becomes another focus of quantum communication. Here, we present a 5-channel multiplexing continuous-variable quantum teleportation protocol in the optical frequency comb system, exploiting five-order entangled sideband modes. Because of the resonant electro-optical modulation (EOM) that is specifically designed, the fidelities of five channels are greater than 0.78, which are superior to the no-cloning limit of
. This work provides a feasible scheme for implementing efficient quantum information processing.
National Natural Science Foundation of China
National Key Research and Development Program of China
Key Research and Development Program of Shanxi
Program for Sanjin Scholar of Shanxi Province
Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
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9 articles.