1. Technical University of Denmark
Quantum information processing with photons in small-footprint and highly integrated silicon-based photonic chips requires incorporating non-classical light sources. In this respect, self-assembled III-V semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are an attractive solution, however, they must be combined with the silicon platform. Here, by utilizing the large-area direct bonding technique, we demonstrate the hybridization of InP and SOI chips, which allows for coupling single photons to the SOI chip interior, offering cost-effective scalability in setting up a multi-source environment for quantum photonic chips. We fabricate devices consisting of self-assembled InAs QDs embedded in the tapered InP waveguide (WG) positioned over the SOI-defined Si WG. Focusing on devices generating light in the telecom C-band compatible with the low-loss optical fiber networks, we demonstrate the light coupling between InP and SOI platforms by observing photons outcoupled at the InP-made circular Bragg grating outcoupler fabricated at the end of an 80 µm-long Si WG, and at the cleaved edge of the Si WG. Finally, for a device with suppressed multi-photon generation events exhibiting 80% single photon generation purity, we measure the photon number outcoupled at the cleaved facet of the Si WG. We estimate the directional on-chip photon coupling between the source and the Si WG to 5.1%.
Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Danmarks Grundforskningsfond