Assessment of business activity indicators of enterprises in the conditions of martial law


Shyian N.1ORCID


1. National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, Ukraine


The article analyzes the efficiency of agricultural enterprises in the pre-war period and the period of Russian military aggression. The author has examined indicators of business activity of agricultural enterprises in Kharkiv region in 2018, 2020 and 2022. A decrease in the entire set of these indicators (asset turnover ratio, current assets turnover ratio, fixed assets turnover ratio, receivables and payables turnover ratios, equity turnover ratio) was established in 2022 as compared to their values in 2018 and 2020. These research results confirmed the deterioration of the performance indicators of agricultural enterprises under martial law. The article estimates reliability of differences between the average values of the analyzed indicators in the groups in 2020 and 2022 ,using the Student's t-test. The probability that the average values may be random is almost 0. That is, the obtained average values of business activity indicators of agricultural enterprises in 2020 and 2022 are reliable and nonrandom. The research, using factor analysis, confirms relationship between the studied features (variables). In particular, the author determined a high degree of correlation in 2020 between the turnover ratio of assets and the turnover ratio of current assets and between the turnover ratio of receivables and the turnover ratio of payables. In 2022, a high degree of interrelationship remained only between asset turnover ratios and current assets turnover ratio. This may indicate a much greater differentiation of turnover ratios of receivables and payables within the population, which in turn, may be due to factors of external influence, in particular, military actions. There is, however, a question on the necessity to conduct a separate study of the influencing factors on the degree of interrelationship between the turnover ratios of receivables and payables in agricultural enterprises. Key words: efficiency, agricultural enterprises, indicators of business activity, reliability, Student's t-test, factor analysis, military actions.


The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

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