
ZANORA Volodymyr1


1. The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy


The paper is devoted to the issues of innovative projects strategic management for the enterprises development, which is due to the acceleration of changes affecting the implementation of enterprises economic activities. Conducted a study of theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of enterprise development strategic management to determine the possibilities of improvement and development in modern conditions of the economic activities implementation. The necessity, importance and expediency of the strategic management formation in the enterprise management system are indicated and substantiated. The most common, basic strategies for enterprise development are considered, including strategies for concentrated growth, integrated growth, diversified growth, and reduction. The stages of enterprise development strategic management are determined, among which one of the main is the stage of strategic analysis. The specifics of the enterprises economic activities have been clarified, including the spread of project management methodology, changes caused by Industry 4.0, the COVID-19 pandemic, climate transformations, and others. A conceptual diagram of the «Star» project management model has been formed, which indicates the areas of knowledge in project management, including integration management, risk management, communications management, stakeholder management and others. The model also assumes taking into account both traditional restrictions in the project implementation, namely, compliance with the requirements for quality, project cost and time of its implementation, and new ones, including ensuring profitability, environmental friendliness and social significance. The conceptual scheme provides for further improvement of the project management model by the possibility of expanding the range of components through the addition of new elements. The use of the conceptual scheme of the project management model as a basis for the methodological foundations development for the strategic management of innovative enterprise development projects is proposed. Changes in the strategic management concept of enterprise development are considered. The general project management concept as a basic for strategic management of enterprise development is defined.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

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