1. Vinnitsa National Agrarian University
In the field of mechanical engineering, various methods and techniques are typically employed for the manufacturing of workpieces or machine components. In this context, it becomes necessary to determine the principles of selection and conduct a techno-economic assessment of various possible manufacturing approaches. Typically, the choice of the most optimal technological approach for producing a specific component involves comparing the technological cost of different manufacturing methods.
Plastic deformation finds a wide range of applications beyond just restoring shapes and surfaces. It is also used to improve the physical and mechanical properties of the metal's surface, enhance roughness, and increase corrosion resistance. Plastic deformation is often combined with methods of metal buildup, such as welding, cladding, and others, to enhance the yield strength and, consequently, the service life of components. This process significantly enhances the reliability and durability of products and structures subjected to plastic deformation and metal buildup.
This article presents a study aimed at identifying patterns that arise when changing the operating parameters of a high-speed hydroimpulse device designed for the deformation strengthening of parts. The influence of adjusting the parameters of the pressure pulse generator on the device's characteristics is investigated. The compliance of the vibration loading parameters of the striker, such as amplitudes and frequencies, with the specified values is verified. The change in the frequency of pressure pulse transmission in the pressure cavity of the drive due to changes in feed rate is analyzed. The capabilities of the technical equipment of the hydroimpulse device for the deformation strengthening of parts are assessed. The compatibility of the hydroimpulse device with the technology of deformation strengthening of parts is studied. Mechanical characteristics of objects before and after processing with the hydroimpulse device are compared. Conclusions are drawn based on the obtained results.
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
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