
Telyatnik Inna1ORCID


1. postgraduate, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


Increasing requirements for modern machines necessitates the use of new equipment and the improvement of existing equipment. Methods and techniques aimed at improving its operational and quality characteristics. One of the areas of improvement is the method of surface plastic deformation, which qualitatively affects the overall reliability of the product. However, surface plastic deformation does not allow for the development of a schematic diagram and a general-purpose device that can be used to strengthen a wide range of agricultural machinery parts. Differences in the physical and mechanical properties of the materials of manufactured parts, their weight, dimensions, longitudinal and transverse stiffness, condition or position, hardening process, type of production and other factors in each specific case force designers and technologists to find reasonable options for designing new devices for processing parts by surface plastic deformation for ensuring high technical and economic indicators. Therefore, the development of surface plastic deformation devices and the improvement of existing equipment are urgent scientific and engineering tasks. The introduction of modern methods and tools in the development of mechanical engineering ensures an increase in the reliability of parts and products in general, as well as a reduction in the cost of production. This article describes the compaction of metal powders as a technological operation, as a result of which powder blanks are formed. The equipment for vibropressing of powder blanks is considered and compared. Technical processes of basic vibration and vibration impact are presented. The methods and schemes of implementation of vibropressing of powder materials are demonstrated. The classification of vibro-compaction processes according to the characteristics of vibration and vibration modes is analyzed.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


General Medicine

Reference12 articles.

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