1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
2. Vinnytsia National Technical University
One of the reasons for the high level of occupational injuries and diseases in Ukraine is the lack of attention to compliance with ergonomic requirements for facilities and working conditions. Ergonomics is an element of a complex system of "labor protection" which is connected by intra-system connections with other elements of this system. In turn, ergonomics is a system for a number of relevant elements, the main of which are man and means of labor. The main task of labor protection (and, of course, ergonomics) is to ensure healthy and safe working conditions that minimize cases of occupational injuries and diseases. Research of human-machine systems is conducted in many directions with the use of modern methods. But we must also recognize that there are still many problems in this area of human life. This is eloquently evidenced by the statistics of occupational injuries (including fatal) in agriculture of Ukraine.
The aim of the research is to reduce the number of occupational injuries and occupational diseases of agricultural workers by studying the ergonomic principles of the human-machine system, identifying its basic elements, relationships, possible reactions to external and internal disturbances and developing adequate solutions to reduce possible risks to the life and health of workers.
The relationship between man and machine is one of the many types of relationships that work. There are four types of such dependencies: "man-machine", "man-man", "machine-machine", "operation-operation". In ergonomic research, it is often important to determine how a worker uses the controls in his workplace - how often he uses each of these organs and, most importantly, in what sequence.
In order to facilitate the solution of this problem, the concept of "communication" is introduced. Information about the obtained connections is summarized with the help of special matrices.
In addition to the interaction of man and machine in agriculture, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the material environment and external conditions in the workplace.
The analysis of the "man-machine" system should include not only technical aspects, but also take into account the specifics of the material environment and external conditions in the workplace, as well as organizational aspects that are revealed only in dynamic analysis of the system.
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
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