Features of the impact of industrial vibration, the nature, depth and direction of physiological changes of various body systems depend on the level, frequency composition of vibrations and physiological properties of the human body. Vibration is one of the main causes of occupational diseases. The study of the sources of production vibration, the ways of its propagation, the specifics of the impact on the human body and protection against harmful effects is currently an urgent issue.
The analysis of the latest sources shows that the majority of works consider individual elements of a complex system of ergonomic provision of safe working conditions in case of vibrational impact on workers. Therefore, there is a need to deepen the study of this issue, comprehensive consideration of the causes of vibration, its characteristics and specific effects on the worker's body, planning measures and means to minimize the consequences of its negative effects.
There are two types of vibration: local, which primarily affects those organs of the human body that are in direct contact with vibrating elements, and general vibration, which causes the body to move in space and affects the entire body.
The main parameters of vibration are amplitude and frequency of oscillations, speed and vibration acceleration. The effect of general vibration on the central nervous system leads to a disturbance in the balance between excitation and inhibition. Under the influence of vibration, workers become irritable, get tired quickly, feel drowsy (and sometimes, on the contrary, insomnia), work capacity decreases, the time it takes to complete production tasks increases, and the time of simple and complex reactions increases.
The fight against the harmful effects of mechanical vibrations in most cases boils down to compliance with existing norms and rules. Also, a special role is played by means of protecting workers from the harmful effects of vibration. First of all, this is the improvement of the design of vehicles, machines, mechanisms and tools.
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
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