
Mazur Oleksandr1,Poltoretskyi Serhii2


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

2. Uman National University of Horticulture


The highest indicators of the index (mass of seeds of the main stem / number of beans of the main stem) were provided by varieties: UD0202566 − 0,211, UD0202468 − 0,209, UD0202557 − 0,207, UD0202529 − 0,206. These cultivars are conservative in response to changes in the hydrothermal regime, providing stable indicators in absolute quantitative values. In terms of resistance to sudden changes in the environment (Hom), the best were: UD0202566 − 0.04, UD0202468 − 0.05, UD0202529 – 0,134. 0.04, as well as high agronomic stability: UD0202566 − 94.9 UD0202468 – 95.3, UD0202529 – 94.5%. According to the absolute value of the selection index, the mass of seeds of the main stem / the number of seeds of the main stem) were selected samples: UD0200773 – 0,136, UD0202201 – 0,136, UD0202566 – 0,136, UD0202468 – 0,136, UD0202557 – 0,134. These varieties belong to different types in response to changes in the hydrothermal regime. Thus, the samples: UD0202566, UD0202468, UD0202201, UD0202557, were highly plastic in response to the improvement of the cultivation agro background. In addition, cultivar UD0200773, which was characterized by a conservative response to changes in the hydrothermal regime, but a high index of selection index (seed weight of the main stem / number of seeds of the main stem). In terms of resistance to sudden changes in the environment (Hom), the best were: UD0200773 – 0.05, UD0202201 – 0.02, UD0202566 – 0.02, UD0202566 –0.02, UD0202468 – 0.02, as well as high agronomic stability. : UD0200773 –97.4, UD0202201 – 93.4, UD0202566 – 93.4, UD0202566 – 93.4. According to the variant of stability, these varieties were as close as possible to zero.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

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