
Telekalo Nataliia1,Korobko Alina1


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


Due to global and rapid changes in climatic conditions for the cultivation of major crops, there is an urgent need for the selection of adaptive varieties that will not reduce their productivity. In modern agricultural production, the variety is the biological foundation on which all elements of cultivation technology are based. If you choose the right variety, it will enhance the effect of other factors. Conversely, if the manufacturer makes a mistake with the chosen variety, it will weaken the effect of all other factors. In agricultural production, it is difficult to predict the outcome, because the existing approaches to soybean cultivation are 70% dependent on soil and climatic conditions. To solve this problem, you need to carefully select adaptive varieties of soybeans. In Ukraine, a fairly large range of soybeans of different maturity groups. In conditions of intensive agriculture with extreme weather conditions, it is important to grow several varieties of different maturity groups on farms. The article highlights the results of the analysis of the State Register of plant varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine, as well as analysis of research by other scientists on the basis of which we chose two adaptive varieties of different maturity groups with genetic potential of 4-5 t / ha Ukrainian and foreign selection: Ukrainian ( early-ripening variety Nugget) and Canadian selection (early-ripening variety Amadeus). These varieties are adapted for growing in the Forest-Steppe zone, have high resistance to lodging and shedding. Resistant to soil moisture deficiency, high temperatures and drought-resistant in summer, which is relevant in climate change. The height of attachment of the lower beans in the nuggets Nuggets and Amadeus 13 cm, which determines its suitability for full mechanized cultivation from sowing to harvesting. Phenological observations of seedlings of the studied varieties according to the scheme: Factor A - variety: Nugget, Amadeus. Factor B - inoculation. Factor B - foliar feeding. The experiment was laid on the experimental site of 0.06 ha. The seeds were treated with BTU-t Bioinoculant at the rate of 3 kg / t of seeds, the control was not processed. After the mass emergence of seedlings, it was found that the seeds treated with bioinoculants came out a little later than the control, because bacteria slow down the germination of seeds.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


Critical Care Nursing,Pediatrics

Reference19 articles.

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