
Shcatula Yurii1,Votyk Volodymyr1


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


Chickpeas are a high-tech legume crop, so the improvement of scientifically sound technology of chickpea cultivation is a priority among agricultural producers. The article presents the results of the study of the effect of soil herbicides, the microbial preparation Rhizobophyte and the biofungicide preparation Biopolicide on the growth, development and productivity of chickpea plants. There is a clear dependence and positive effect of microbial preparations on the height of chickpea plants, grain yield of chickpea varieties Triumph and Rosanna when used in combination with herbicides. When combined before sowing chickpea seeds with the microbial drug Rhizobophyte (1,0 l/t) and biofungicide Biopolicide (100 ml/t) and application of this background soil herbicide Frontier Optima, 72% k.e., at the rate of 1,2 l/ha contribute to the control of weeds in chickpea crops, intensive growth and development of cultivated plants in height, a significant increase in the yield of chickpea seeds. In particular, the height of the plants of chickpea variety Rosanna in the phase of full flowering on average over the years of research was within 59.4 cm, and the increase before control was 23,6 cm. The number of beans formed per plant was within 19,41 pieces. The yield of chickpeas of Rosanna variety in these areas was within 2,28 t/ha, the increase before control was 1,74 t/ha or 322%. Thus, the effectiveness of the basic physiological and biochemical processes of the phases of growth and development of chickpea plants depends on a number of elements: agronomic, seed inoculation, the use of chemical and biological pesticides. The yield of chickpea seeds depends on the control of weeds in its crops, in particular, the application of the soil herbicide Frontier Optima, 72% of the active ingredient, at the consumption rate of 1.2 l/ha, as well as the complex pre-sowing treatment of chickpea seeds with the biological preparation Rhizobophyt, 1.0 l/t + biofungicidal drug Biopolicid, 100 ml/t. These measures contribute to the yield of Rosanna chickpea seeds at the level of 2.28 t/ha.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


Critical Care Nursing,Pediatrics

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