
Didur Igor1,Shevchuk Victoria1


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


The article describes the results of research on the content and ratio of photosynthetic pigments in the stipules of winter peas using different cultivation technologies. The objects of the study were winter pea plants (Pisum sativum L.) of variety NS Moroz, plant growth regulator (PGR) Endofit L1 RK, bacterial preparation Bioinoculant BTU-r, microfertilizers «LF-Bobovi» and Biobor 140. The purpose of our research was to study the formation of photosynthetic pigments of winter pea plants under the action of growth regulator Endophyte L1 RK, bacterial preparation Bioinoculant BTU-r, their complex applying and foliar treatment systems with microfertilizers «LF- Bobovi» and Biobor 140. Analysis of chlorophyll and carotenoid content in alcohol extract (96.0%) was performed using a spectrophotometer Ulab − 102UV (China) at different values of wavelength: λ = 441; λ = 649; λ = 665. The volume of the working solution was 25 ml. Calculations of these indexes were performed according to the formulas of H. K. Lichtenthaler. During the study period, the influence of plant growth regulator, bacterial preparation, and foliar fertilization on the content of chlorophyll a and b, their sum, and concentration of carotenoids in the stipules of winter pea plants were evaluated. The research results indicate the dependence of these indicators on the use of the growth regulator and the bacterial drug, as well as on foliar fertilization. It was found that the implementation of foliar treatment in the phase of 3-5 stipules and complex use (in phases 3-5 of stipules and buttons) phase with tank mixtures of micro fertilizers «LF- Bobovi» (1.5 l / ha and 2.5 l / ha) and Biobor 140 (1.0 l / ha) led to an increase of the content of chlorophyll a and b, their total amount and carotenoid content. The highest content of chlorophylls a and b, their sum, and carotenoids in the stipules of winter pea plants were in the variant with the combined use of pre-sowing seed treatment with growth regulator Endophyte L1 RK (0.01 l / t), bacterial preparation Bioinoculant BTU-r (2 l / t) and at foliar treatment with microfertilizers «LF- Bobovi» (1.5 l / ha and 2.5 l / ha) and Biobor 140 (1.0 l / ha).The search for ways and opportunities to increase the grain yield of winter pea varieties Moroz due to the introduction of new technological methods of its cultivation remains relevant. A possible solution to the problem of improving the productivity of winter peas is the use of different mechanisms of action of plant growth regulators, inoculation with symbiotic microorganisms, and foliar feeding with tank mixtures of chelated microfertilizers.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


Critical Care Nursing,Pediatrics

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