
Didur Ihor1,Shevchuk Victoriia1


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


Analysis of literary sources shows that legume-rhizobial systems annually fix nitrogen from the atmosphere in the amount of from 40 to 300 kg of per 1 ha of crop. Crops of legumes by Nitrogen fixation capabilities play an important role in saving and improvement of the natural soil fertility. It is known that in the process of the crop rotation with legumes the species composition of soil microorganisms is restored, as a result stable soil fertility rate is supported. Legumes plants are valuable siderata. Green legume fertilizer has a positive effect on increasing the productivity of plants, causes to the conservancy and increase of soil fertility. The plowing of the siderates leads to an increase in the humus content in the soil and the availability of phosphate treatment, a reduction in nitrogen gas losses from the soil. After decomposition and mineralization of leguminous siderata, the soil is replenished with nutritious macro- and microelements. Siderata is able to loosen heavy soils, improve their structure, and inhibit the growth of weeds that create water deficiency and reduce the content of minerals in the soil. Growing of peas leads to increased of the absorption efficiency of organic fertilizers by the following crops. The article approves the results of increasing the nitrogen-fixing ability of sowing pea with applying of the microbial preparation Bioinoculant and plant growth regulator Mars EL, and their role in increasing of biological nitrogen content for repair of soil fertility. It was established that the symbiotic activity of pea plants depends on the growth phase of the crop. The highest indexes of active nitrogen-fixing nodules on the roots of pea plants were found in the budding phase after pre-sowing seed complex treatment with Bioinoculant and growth regulator Mars EL. It was researched that he combined use of Bioinoculant and plant growth regulator Mars EL provided the increase of the mass of active nodules at the roots of the plant by 33% (phase of formation of 5-6 leaves), 38,8% (budding phase) and 22,8% (flowering phase) compared to the control. It was found that the use of inoculant and plant growth regulator with N30P30K30 fertilizer background leads to the greatest concentration of nodules on the main roots of the plants. The nodules had a pink color. In the technological process, the pre-sowing treatment of pea seeds with Bioinoculant and plant growth regulator Mars EL is an important perspective for improving the symbiotic activity of culture. This induces the reproduction of the soil's natural fertility. It is advisable to investigate the effect of inoculation and growth regulators with the different mechanism of action on the symbiotic activity of winter peas. Key words: soil fertility, legumes, siderata, symbiotic nitrogen fixation, inoculant, plant growth regulator


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

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