The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of heartburn and nausea in patients with various forms of chronic gastritis in the Georgian population, how often, in terms of character, intensity and interrelationship, taking into account the histomorphological and morphometric changes in the topographic area of the gastric mucosa, as well as taking into account the parameters of gastric juice secretion parameters. For this purpose, we examined 172 patients with chronic gastritis who were admitted to our therapeutic unit due to disease exacerbation. The analysis of the material revealed two main forms of chronic gastritis: the first chronic pangastritis of varying severity (diffuse antral and fundal gastritis) 141–81.9% and the second chronic gastritis with fundic glands hyperplasia (31–18.02%). The analysis showed that episodes of heartburn were detected in cases of different forms of chronic gastritis, with the highest frequency in patients with form II [chronic gastritis (chronic gastritis with fundic glands hyperplasia)] from 31 cases of chronic form I 18-(58.06%), than in chronic gastritis I form (chronic pangastritis 47-(33.33%) of 141 cases). As regards the frequency of bloating in 47-(33.33%) of 141 patients with form of gastritis I, and 14-(45.16%) in 31 cases of the second form of chronic gastritis. Examination of patients' anamnesis revealed that most patients were not adequately treated, because they were not properly diagnosed in time, which is an important contributing factor to disease progression, complications and heartburn episodes, impaired quality of life, and reduced quality of life.
Association For Science (Publications)
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