1. Saint Euphrosyne Polotsk State University
Introduction. When calculating stone and reinforced stone elements, only the limiting stage before destruction is considered, the nonlinearity of deformation of materials and, accordingly, the redistribution of forces between masonry and longitudinal reinforcement in cross sections are not taken into account. A deformation approach to the calculation of compression resistance of reinforced stone elements is considered. It allows us to take into account the physical nonlinearity of deformation of materials of reinforced stone elements.
Materials and methods. Accounting for physical nonlinearity is based on using deformation diagrams under “compression – tension”. Approximations of diagrams are given. A sample of experimental studies of the most characteristic armoured stone elements has been compiled according to the data of studies published in open sources.
Results. The prerequisites for using a deformation approach to the calculation of reinforced stone elements are formulated. As a criterion for calculating the compression resistance at the ultimate strength stage, it is proposed to take the maximum force calculated from the condition of compatibility of deformations of masonry and longitudinal steel reinforcement. Algorithms for calculating the compression resistance and parameters of the stress-strain state of reinforced stone elements at any level of loading are compiled.
Conclusions. The proposed calculation method makes it possible to obtain the parameters of the stress-strain state of elements of arbitrary cross-section shape with any reinforcement parameters and various eccentricities of longitudinal force application at all loading levels. A calculation criterion is proposed to take into account the redistribution of forces in the cross-section of armoured stone elements. Verification of the calculation method was performed on a sample of experimental data, which showed good convergence of theoretical and experimental values of load-bearing capacity and deformability.
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
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