1. Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk
2. LLC «SoftClub»
The article is devoted to modeling the stress-strain state of sections of short elements made of brickwork reinforced under load with a reinforced concrete cage. A feature of the modeling is the possibility of taking into account the physical nonlinearity of deformation of the brick hoard, concrete and longitudinal reinforcement of the cage, as well as the stress state before the start of reinforcement. The proposals on the sequence of calculation of the elements undergoing rein-forcement, the solving equations of the general deformation method are given. A numerical study was performed on the example of a short element. As part of the checks of the limiting state of the bearing capacity, the values of compression resistance in the maximum strength stage were compared according to the current design standards and according to the proposed methodology. The calculation results confirmed the possibility of using a deformation model to calculate the parameters of the stress-strain state of short elements made of brickwork reinforced under load with a reinforced concrete cage.
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